- Federal Finance Administration (FFA)
- Finanzdirektorinnen- und Finanzdirektorenkonferenz (FDK)
- Konferenz der kantonalen Aufsichtsstellen über die Gemeindefinanzen (KKAG)
- Schweizerischer Gemeindeverband (SGV)
- Schweizerischer Städteverband (SSV)
- Swiss GAAP FER
- Accounting Model of the Federal Government (FFA)
- Finanzdaten FkF
- Public Finances of Switzerland (FFA)
- Financial Statistics of Switzerland
- Swiss Federal Audit Office
- International Federation of Accountants
- IPSAS Board
- FEE Federation of European Accountants / Fédération des Experts comptables Européens
- Governmental Accounting Standards Board GASB (USA)
- Australian Accounting Standards Board
- Public Sector Accounting Board PSAB / Conseil sur la comptabilité dans le secteur public CCSP, Canada
- Financial Reporting Advisory Board, England
- Conseil de normalisation des comptes publics, France
- The Japanese Institute of Certified Public Accountants
- Accounting Standards Board, South Africa
- Swedish Accounting Standards Board
- New Zealand External Reporting Board