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Chairman | Secretariat

The Chairman of the SRS-CSPCP is Prof. Andreas Bergmann of ZHAW (Zurich University of Applied Sciences).

The secretariat of the SRS-CSPCP reports directly to the Chairman. The main tasks of the secretariat are to support the Chairman and the working groups, to organize meetings, including putting together the documents required, to draw up reports and to maintain the homepage.

Secretariat SRS-CSPCP (Administration)
Susanne Gloor
School of Management and Law
Abteilung Public Sector
Gertrudstrasse 8
8400 Winterthur

Tel. +41 58 934 49 94

Secretariat SRS-CSPCP (Technic)
Gheorghita Streiff
School of Management and Law
Abteilung Banking, Finance, Insurance
Gertrudstrasse 8
8400 Winterthur

Tel. +41 58 934 49 72