SRS-CSPCP: The new organizational by-law has been adopted |
SRS-CSPCP: Survey of the introduction of HAM2 by Cantons and Municipalities |
HAM2: List re. introduction of HAM2 by Cantons and Municipalities |
SRS-CSPCP: List re. introduction of HAM2 by Cantons and Municipalities |
HAM2: List re. introduction of HAM2 by Cantons and Municipalities |
SRS-CSPCP: Survey of the introduction of HAM2 by Cantons and Municipalities |
HAM2: List re. application of HAM2 by Cantons and Municipalities |
SRS-CSPCP: List re. introduction of HAM2 by Cantons and Municipalities |
HAM2: List re. application of HAM2 by Cantons and Municipalities |
HAM2: List re. application of HAM2 by Cantons and Municipalities |
HAM2: List re. application of HAM2 by Cantons and Municipalities |
HAM2: List re. application of HAM2 by Cantons and Municipalities |
SRS-CSPCP: List re. introduction of HAM2 by Cantons and Municipalities |
SRS-CSPCP: List re. introduction of HAM2 by Cantons and Municipalities |
SRS-CSPCP: List re. introduction of HAM2 by Cantons and Municipalities |
HAM2: Financial Instruments, new Standard 21 |
HAM2: Steuererträge, modification of Standard 07 |
HAM2: Statement of financial position, modification Standard 11 |
HAM2: Financial Ratios, modification Standard 18 |
HAM2: Statement of financial performance, modification of Standard 04 |
HAM2: Bilanz, modification of Standard 11 |
HAM2: Investment statement, modification Standard 10 |
HAM2: Wertkorrekturen von Aktiven, modification of Standard 06 |
HAM2: Cash Flow Statement, modification of Standard 14 |
HRM2: Anlagegüter und Anlagebuchhaltung, modification Standard 12 |
HAM2: Model law, modification of Standard 20 |
HAM2: New Version of Chart of Accounts HAM2 and Functional Classification |
HAM2: New version of Chart of Accounts HAM2 and Functional Classification |
HAM2: New version of Chart of Accounts HAM2 and Functional Classification |
HAM2: New version of Chart of Accounts HAM2 and Functional Classification |